Saturday, April 09, 2005

Leon Trotsky was exiled from the ussr in 1929,as stalin seized complete power.from then on,trotsky went all over the world looking for asylum,as countries feared to house the most dangerous revolutionary on the planet.he was a great intellectual who wrote scathing studies of stalinism-some of his works are "the revolution betrayed" and "the history of the russian revolution".
to many over the world,trotsky provided the alternative to stalinism in the true spirit of lenin.stalin spent a huge amount of effort to eliminate him,and the term "trotskyite" was the gravest accusation in the ussr,leading to immediate death.
in 1940,trotsky was finally hunted down by an assassin in mexico,who put an ice-pick through his head.his sons sergei and leon were murdered,and his daughter zina committed suicide.
the pictures- clockwise from the right- trotsky's passport photo,trotsky in the late 1930's,trotsky on his deathbed.
 Posted by Hello


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