Saturday, April 09, 2005

no amount of analysis can conjure for us the nightmare of the holocaust-those who lived through it and those who did not were the only ones to understand the depth of the horror.
this next photo is of anne frank,perhaps the most famous person who did NOT survive.she was 13 years old when her jewish family went into hiding,to escape deportation to auschwitz.she maintained a diary for two years,where she expresses her innermost feelings,her fear...she was an ordinary teenager living in the most horrific times.
her family was finally discovered-they were sent to different concentration camps.she was separated from her mother,who died.she and her sister margot went to the camp at belsen,where she showed remarkable courage in her efforts to survive.but when her sister died,she lost the only thing that had kept her going-her will.anne frank died a few days 1945,tragically just a few days before liberation.
her diary was discovered,published,and is read by millions today,as a great human document.
 Posted by Hello


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